We are Business Development Center!

We exist to ensure that SMEs can thrive and stimulate social and economic change. We believe Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a major role in the development of countries.


About Us

Our vision is to build SMEs that drive innovation, improve lives and reduce inequalities in communities. 

We build SMEs through our curated entrepreneurial training programs  and providing or sourcing funding for SMEs. Additionally, building a network of SMEs to increase knowledge sharing, reduce operational cost structure and promote business and market linkages.

Values: Our core values underpin our corporate culture. We are an organization driven by:

  • Passion – We are passionate about our vision for SMEs and about the welfare and sustainability of communities.

  • Insight – We invest in learning and thought leadership and apply knowledge-based insights in everything we do.

    • Respect – We promote diversity, transparency, and collaboration because we recognize the dignity, contributions, and interests of others, both inside and outside our organization. We do not discriminate businesses based on size, capacity or sector

  • Impact – We are inclusive, empowering, and results-oriented with emphasis on tangible evidence.

  • Integrity – We strive to always do the right thing

What we do

We train and support SMEs

Our entrepreneurship training source material is derived from Regent University, Center For Entrepreneurship, Virginia USA, with which BDC Zambia is an affiliate. 

  • 01 Startups
  • 02 Stuck or Struggling businesses
  • 03 Growing or expanding business

We have expanded our training services to institutions and business for need based capacity building. 

Our Work

Our core activities are capacity building (through training, mentorship and incubation) and business development services. We currently have three (3) active clients in our portfolio. Clients based on size and profitability are Moxico Resources (including Mimbula Minerals), Neonova capital (including Neonova foundation) and The Miyora Company.

Mimbula Minerals

We have designed, developed and implemented their community development projects in Chingola.

Our Work with Moxico

Moxico Resources is a mining company with active mining sites in Chingola (Copperbelt Province) and Mufumbwe (Northwestern Province). We manage their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that are aimed at improving the livelihoods of women and youth in mine affected wards. The total project cost to date currently stands at K968,000 (or €46,445). 

The Chingola Project

The project focuses on Accelerating the growth of Women-led Small and Medium Enterprises (WSMEs) through capacity building and integrated business development services. The project strengthens beneficiaries ability to grow their businesses through entrepreneurial training and financial literacy mentorship, improves access to collateral-free loans and business development services that includes market linkages, financial services – e.g. Income Statement generation and audits, credit score development and personal financial planning and budgeting – and best business operations practices such as paying tax, financial transparency and CSR initiatives. The project supports a total of 168 (147 women and 21 Men) participants as of February 27,2022. From 147 women: 135 women are above 35 years, 12 are youth and 3 (of the 135 women) persons with disabilities (PWD). From the 21 men: 5 are youth and 2 persons with disabilities (PWD). Number of indirect beneficiaries excluded from the data: 30 (9 women, 16 female youth and 5 male youth) from Cohort 1 (the first 40 beneficiaries).

The Mufumbwe Project

The project focuses on Enhancing the livelihoods of Smallholder farmers in Mufumbwe district. The addresses issues of food security, economic prosperity, and social inclusion through locally driven market solutions. The project focuses on Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), 5 (Gender equality), 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and 13 (Climate Action). Currently, the project is undergoing revisions to move away from rain-fed production to year round production to substantially improve productivity yields, enhance Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Wash), increase household incomes, achieve food security and move towards food sovereignty for the Communities.

Miyora Company

The Miyora Company is a pre-seed startup seeking to produce chic, anti-wrinkle and antimicrobial medical (for odor control and durability) medical scrubs locally. The startup is focused on producing and selling scrubs digitally and has policies to deploy sustainable practices such as traceability, transparency and repurposing old or damaged scrubs.

StartUp Course

Whether you’re turning a part-time gig into a full-time business, taking an existing company to new heights, or just starting out, Our training Program can help. This 14-week (offline or online) program provides learnings that help your business thrive and be more resilient in tough times.

Plug+ Network

The Plug+ Network community, built on collaboration. The network involves investors, SMEs and mentors.

Business registration

BDC Zambia offers business registration services that help entrepreneurs register their businesses with the government


Business incubators allow you to save money on office space, supplies, utilities and other overhead costs by splitting these expenses between other startups in the program.

Business Consultation

BDC Zambia offers business consultation services that help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and succeed

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